1: “Neha went for a walk yesterday and her feet hurt today.” In given sentence bold word is example of which noun?
-Plural noun
2: “Alok's mother told him to take out the puppy.” In given sentence which word is example of pronoun?
3: “My father______ me this story book yesterday”. Fill correct form of verb in given sentence.
4: Veeru came home from cricket with a filthy uniform. In given sentence find out adjective.
5: what is the antonym of severe?
6: Which word is the correct synonym for ‘bent’?
7: I think he spent the entire night ______ the phone.
8: A short word to express emotion known as?
9: what is the one-word substitution for the following phrase “A critical judge of any art and craft”?
10: what is the correct meaning of word assume?
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English one liners-2
Reviewed by Ravi kumaR
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