GA of the Day 20 March

1. Which state has the highest number of arsenic affected people in the country - West Bengal

2. 3-Day International Buddhist conference was held in .. Bihar

3. Anand Tadar who has developed goggles for the blind is from which state? - Arunachal pradesh

4. Which country will use voice recognition to identify migrant origin? - Germany

5. Which state has announced to give 33% quota for women in state jobs? - Punjab

6. Railways minister suresh prabhu flagged off how many trains from Dadar railway station? - 2

7. The government will introduce new Rs. 10 Plastic currency note in ….. cities. - 5

8. As per a recent report over …. lakh debit cards were affected by malware in 2016. - 29

9. India has signed an agreement with which country for maintenance of sukhoi jets? - Russia

10. National Physical Laboratory (NPL) of india is headquartered in …. New Delhi
GA of the Day 20 March GA of the Day 20 March Reviewed by BasicKaMaster on 18:05:00 Rating: 5

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