GA of the Day 21 January

1. Which company has got an approval from IRDA to set up insurance business in India ?
 - Llyod

2. Who was adjudged the man of the match in the 2nd ODI between India & England ?
 - Yuvraj Singh

3. Which club has become the world's richest Football club ?
 - Manchester United

4. Which team has won the Pro wrestling league season 2 ?
 - Punjab

5. Who has been appointed the new chief of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) ?
 - Alok Kumar Verma

6. Which city has been declared Himanchal Pradesh's second capital ?
 - Dharamshala

7. Which country has launched SBIRs Geo-3 satellite ?
 - USA

8. Which company has been fined for $ 20 million by U.S. Government ?
 - Uber

9. Which e-commerce giant became the major sponsor of Olympic Games untill 2028 ?
 - Alibaba

10. Name of the India Federation (AIFF) President who has been appointed member of FIFA
s all important finance committee ?
 - Praful Patel
GA of the Day 21 January GA of the Day 21 January Reviewed by BasicKaMaster on 15:49:00 Rating: 5

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